Combine AppID from Azure Logs with the Application Name – How to

If we query for AppID from Log Analytics,  like:


| summarize NumberOfRequests=count() by AppId

| order by NumberOfRequests desc

we usually need to combine it with the Application name.

So we need to export all Enterprise Applications and App Registrations to csv from:

Do not forget about Managed Identities, you can do it by this query:


| where type =~ ‘Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities’

| project name, principalId = properties.principalId, clientId = properties.clientId

Make from all of them file AppIDList.csv like:

ApplicationName AppID
“VeeamM365B” d8dff9d3-367b-4967-8a2a-f2d31c929f5d
“P2P Server” 39ed2d41-3e76-4505-ae68-56c02cf713c9


We need to upload this file to a storage account so that it is publicly accessible.

And finally, we can make a query that combines AppID with the corresponding name, so we can execute:

let ApplicationInformation = externaldata (ApplicationName: string, AppId: string, Reference: string ) [h””] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true, format=”csv”);


| summarize NumberOfRequests=count() by AppId

| lookup kind=leftouter ApplicationInformation on $left.AppId == $right.AppId

| order by NumberOfRequests desc

| project AppId, ApplicationName, NumberOfRequests

So finally we got AppID and the Application Name.