Move VM to new WVD Infrastructure e.g. in new Region.
- Get a screenshot of the current config from Nerdio (if you are using it).
Get a screenshot of the current config from WVD:
Export new Registration Key:
- Create a new WVD Infrastructure without VM (in New Region) –
- LOG into the current VMs as an Administrator and restart it, to be sure that there is no user. The preferred way is to use a regular Remote Desktop with a local account.
Remove VMs from current VWD Host Pool:
- Open Regedit as an administrator and go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent.
- Edit the RegistrationToken key, and paste your host pool registration token into the key value.
- Edit the value of the IsRegistered key. It is likely currently set to ‘1’. Change the value to ‘0’.
- Restart VM.
Configure the WVD Host Pool in the same way as source one, especially Assignments and Applications:
Please do not forget about Nerdio settings if you are using them.
- Check if the VM is assigned to the New Host Pool and please be aware that now you see two applications – so remove the old/source Session Host Pool.
To see this sometimes you need to re-login – not just refresh the webpage (
Consider deploying a custom webpage on your custom domain: