Move VM to new WVD Infrastructure e.g. in new Region.

  1. Get a screenshot of the current config from Nerdio (if you are using it).
  2. Get a screenshot of the current config from WVD:



  3. Export new Registration Key:

  4. Create a new WVD Infrastructure without VM (in New Region) –
  5. LOG into the current VMs as an Administrator and restart it, to be sure that there is no user. The preferred way is to use a regular Remote Desktop with a local account.
  6. Remove VMs from current VWD Host Pool:

  7. Open Regedit as an administrator and go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent.
  8. Edit the RegistrationToken key, and paste your host pool registration token into the key value.
  9. Edit the value of the IsRegistered key. It is likely currently set to ‘1’. Change the value to ‘0’.
  10. Restart VM.
  11. Configure the WVD Host Pool in the same way as source one, especially Assignments and Applications:

    Please do not forget about Nerdio settings if you are using them.

  12. Check if the VM is assigned to the New Host Pool and please be aware that now you see two applications – so remove the old/source Session Host Pool.

To see this sometimes you need to re-login – not just refresh the webpage (


Consider deploying a custom webpage on your custom domain: