Azure SIte Recovery – Problem z instalacja i rejestracją configuration-process serwer Windows 2016-OVF appliance / Problem with installing and registering the configuration-process server on Windows 2016-OVF appliance / Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Po wdrożeniu i konfiguracji configuration/process serwera, podczas sprawdzania połączenia z internetem widzimy w logach:


09:32:53:Using Proxy
09:32:53:Proxy does not require Authentication
09:32:53:Creating web request to
09:32:53:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:53:Considering as connected with response status code BadRequest
09:32:53:Creating web request to
09:32:53:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:55:Considering as connected with response status code NotFound
09:32:55:Creating web request to
09:32:55:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:55:Failed to connect – Response status code SecureChannelFailure: Threw Exception.Type: System.Net.WebException, Exception.Message: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
09:32:55:StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Microsoft.DisasterRecovery.IntegrityCheck.EvaluateValidations.IsEndpointReachable(String endpoint, WebProxy webProxy


Dość standardowy problem związany z .Netem i TLS. Rozwiązanie modyfikacja rejestru:

Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > wow6432Node > Microsoft > .NetFramework > v1.0

Utworzyć dword: Name – SchUseStrongCrypto
Data= 1


Powtórzyć czynność dla gałęzi v2.0 i v4.0.

Dodatkowo wykonać to samo w gałęzi v2.0 i v4.0 w:

Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > Microsoft > .NetFramework


Następnie zresetować serwer i powtórzyć konfiguracje.


During the Internet Connectivity Check we see in log files:


09:32:53:Using Proxy
09:32:53:Proxy does not require Authentication
09:32:53:Creating web request to
09:32:53:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:53:Considering as connected with response status code BadRequest
09:32:53:Creating web request to
09:32:53:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:55:Considering as connected with response status code NotFound
09:32:55:Creating web request to
09:32:55:Using webProxy to check internet connectivity
09:32:55:Failed to connect – Response status code SecureChannelFailure: Threw Exception.Type: System.Net.WebException, Exception.Message: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
09:32:55:StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Microsoft.DisasterRecovery.IntegrityCheck.EvaluateValidations.IsEndpointReachable(String endpoint, WebProxy webProxy


Solution – modify registry:


Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > wow6432Node > Microsoft > .NetFramework > v1.0

create dword: Name – SchUseStrongCrypto
Data= 1


This same key needs added to v2.0 and v4.0 of .NetFramwork within that same container.


Additionally do the same at this location:

Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > Microsoft > .NetFramework

do the same as above for v2.0 and v4.0


Then reboot server and connectivity check should pass.